NYD Dive

As of Friday morning, December 30, there is still ice on Reed’s Lake and every other nearby spot so the New Years Day Dive is ON HOLD.
There are several that talked of a winter dive next weekend as there should be open water at several lakes.
Thanks for the fun year!!
Mike Palmer<www.facebook.com/groups/1062075953983755/user/100006376455466/?__cft__[0]=AZXpW8pBbDJOQbqWgy5C02LnEjkKG73uRr2EbdlB5CXWaWGWNA4Ky9pxuWneWNhYL7agdhIxfBEpMpBcWL7cLabf2M4K04TMs2JwdRZvVaxB_5N4LM8QOeZnZz8MgwxOyMQxbM9I_dtGEoqbxk9je1Im&__tn__=-]K-R>